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Here are some concepts and their definitions as they apply to Assetpilot.




Any element in the level below the organization. For example, an asset can be the site of a system (PV, battery or hybrid), an investment fund, a country, or a project


Top bar tab in which you can upload and manage all of your bank transactions.


Assetpilot differentiates between two types of financial categories:
Cashflow categories for transactions, invoices (past), and forecasts (future). These are specific to the renewables sector
Bookkeeping/accounting categories: Tax classifications, for example SKR03 / SKR04 in Germany


Contacts include operations and maintenance teams, banks, and other individuals involved in the daily operations of your assets who may not use the platform


An overview of an asset that the user defines my means of various widgets.

dashboard template

For a dashboard view, you must first create a dashboard templateDashboard templates are created under your organization settings and can be applied to any asset you choose. Any changes made to dashboard templates are propagated to all assets that use the template.

financial model

A financial model is a mathematical model that represents a company's operations in the past, present, and forecasted future in numbers. Financial models are used for decision-making and financial analysis. For example, they can be used to estimate the costs and project the profits of a proposed new project, or to model feed-in tariffs, investment subsidies, current power purchase agreements, or market price structures. Based on the calculations and parameters you create, you can create a financial modelYou can then use a financial model to create a forecast 

financial model template

Once you have created a financial model, you can create a financial model template which can be applied to new financial models


A project of an asset or organization's financial future based on cashflow inputs and a financial model

intermediate calculation

A formula that may be used as a basis for other calculations but is not assigned to a cashflow category, and as such is not part of the forecast results on its own. It is an additional step in creating a calculation. Example: System size in MW: m2 * MWh/m2

mapped transaction

A bank transaction that has been categorized under the Cashflow tab

notice period

Advance notification that one contractual party must provide to the other before terminating or making significant changes to the contractual relationship


An organization groups together related assets, contacts, forecasts, documents, and tasks. The organization is the highest level on which reports and functions can be generated. The organization admin "owns" and manages the organization and decides how it should be structured in terms of sub-organizations, assets, sub-assets, portfolios, etc.

parameter group

You must organize parameters into groups that you define according to your needs. Parameter groups themselves are not used for calculations: they help you to find and enter parameters into your calculations. 


A group of assets. The user defines the structure of a portfolio and how the individual elements are named


Keyword, term, or label that you can assign to a piece of information and that will help you to find relevant information when searching


Tasks are any job that needs to be carried out for asset management, such as finalizing budgets with stakeholders, evaluating O&M suppliers, organizing maintenance schedules, and preparing tax documents. A dedicated tab for tasks is available at the asset level. In the asset manager role, you can assign work and set deadlines for yourself and team members


A bank transaction. Transactions are mapped to categories, which are used to create with financial models and forecasts

unmapped transaction

A bank transaction that has not yet been categorized under Cashflow


A small application or component of a dashboard that enables a user to view data in a specific way

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