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Cashflow categories

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Cashflow categories are predefined classifications used to sort individual bank transactions based on their nature, such as taxes, operational expenses, capital expenses, etc. All bank transactions need to be mapped to a category to visualize your data. Cashflow categories are also essential for creating financial models and the resulting forecasts. To learn more about the whole cashflow workflow see Cashflow.


When getting started, we recommend comparing the cashflow categories you currently use with the ones in mc Assetpilot.

General information on cashflow categories

  • Main categories are provided by default and can not be deleted.

The main categories are:

  • Income

  • Operational expenses

  • Capital expenses

  • Financing

  • Depreciation and amortisation

  • Other costs

  • Taxes

  • The main categories are also divided further into subcategories by default.

  • Select image-20241205-070255.png Expand to view subcategories.


The category Taxes contains the default subcategories Property taxes and Income taxes.

  • To accurately represent your company’s cashflow, you may require additional subcategories. You can easily add these in mc Assetpilot.


You could create the subcategories “Software licensing” and “Onsite security” under the main category Operational expenses.

  • You can edit or delete any category you have created. However, if a category is already in use, you can not delete it from the list.


If you have created the subcategory “Software licensing” and have mapped transactions to it, it can not be deleted.

Create a new cashflow subcategory

  • You are the organization owner or an admin.

  1. Navigate to the image-20250108-104140.png organization level and select image-20241120-103438.png Settings > Categories.

  2. Hover over the desired category, select the image-20241216-151305.pngPlus icon.

  3. Give the new subcategory a name.

  4. Select Create.

  5. The new subcategory will now appear in the list and can be used to map your transactions.


Add the subcategory “On-site security” under the main category Operational expenses.

Add a cashflow subcategory

Add a cashflow subcategory

Further actions
  • Add additional subcategories in the same manner if needed.

  • image-20241205-071346.png Delete or image-20241205-071337.png Edit your custom subcategories with the respective icons, if they are not in use.


  • You can not delete or edit main categories.

  • You can not delete a subcategory that is already in use, which means you have already mapped transactions with it.

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