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Organizations and assets

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The basic structuring element in mc Assetpilot is the organization. To start using mc Assetpilot, you need to create at least one organization or join an existing one. Once you did that, you can structure the organizational tree by creating assets. This enables you to evaluate various KPIs according to groups of elements that you define.

Structuring elements in mc Assetpilot

There are two types of components that structure your the view in the sidebar of the platform view: Organizations and assets. The latter can be divided into pure structuring, but evaluable elements and actual assets representing renewable energy assets.


The organization is the base for all your work in mc Assetpilot. It consolidates related assets and their data, forecasts, tasks, contacts, cashflows, and documents. The organization is the highest level on which evaluation is generated and actions can be carried out.

Assets and actual assets

The asset component serves both as structuring, evaluable element in the higher levels of your organization tree and as actual asset item on the lowest level.


In the following example, all elements other than "Asset Corp GmbH" are considered assets, regardless of whether you refer to them as countries, investment portfolios, projects, structuring asset elements, actual assets, or sub-assets. All asset levels are evaluable.

image-20250108-102025.png Asset Corp GmbH [organization]

  • United Kingdom [country | structuring asset]

  • USA [country | structuring asset]

  • Germany [country | structuring asset]

    • Investment fund A [investment portfolio | structuring asset]

    • Investment fund B [investment portfolio | structuring asset]

    • Investment fund C [investment portfolio | structuring asset]

      • Project A [project | structuring asset]

      • Project B [project | structuring asset]

        • Site 1 [asset | structuring asset]

          • Site 1 North [sub-asset | actual asset]

          • Site 1 South [sub-asset | actual asset]

        • Site 2 [asset | structuring asset]

Create an organization

To start working with mc Assetpilot, an organization is needed. If you have been invited to an existing organization, you do not necessarily have to create your own.

  • You have created an account.

  1. In the side bar, select the image-20241114-143629.png Plus icon next to My organizations. A window appears.

  2. Enter the Name of your organization and include a Description if desired.

  3. Select Create. Your organization will appear in your organization tree in the side bar.

  4. You will be the owner of that organization. See also User groups and permissions.


  • The number of organizations you can create depends on your license model.

  • If your new organization does not appear in the side menu, try reloading the page in your browser or logging out and back in.

Create an asset

Create assets, sub-assets, and actual assets to further structure your organization. How you group your asset components within your organization for later evaluation is completely up to you.


We recommend to group your assets according to the currency that they are using. See also Currencies.

  • You have created an organization and are the owner of this organization.

  • OR: You have been invited to an existing organization and are an admin.

  1. In the platform view, go to the side bar, and select the image-20241114-143629.png Plus icon next to the organization for which you want to create an asset. A window appears.

  2. Enter the Name of your asset and include a Description if desired.

  3. Determine whether you create an actual asset within your organization tree:

    • Select No if this is just a structuring asset element. Continue with step 4.

    • Select Yes if this is an actual asset. Four capacity fields appear (PV, Wind, Hydro, Battery). Enter the specific Capacity of your actual asset, according to the type of energy. Enter β€œ0” if your asset does not include a certain type of energy. At least one input is mandatory.


You can not create sub-assets for actual assets as these are always on the lowest level of your organization tree.

  1. Select Create. Your asset will appear in your organization tree.

Further actions
  • Create more assets: If you did not create an actual asset, you can now add sub-assets in the same manner if desired.

  • View organization tree: You can always view the entire structure of your organization in the side bar of the platform. Select the image-20241114-143833.pngExpand icon or the image-20241114-161547.png Expand all icon to expand the organization tree.

View your organization tree in the side bar.

View your organization tree in the side bar.

Rearrange assets


Be aware of any currency settings applying to the asset you rearrange. See Currencies.

  • You are the organization owner or an admin.

  1. In the side bar, you can rearrange your organization tree by dragging and dropping assets to your desired locations.

  2. Confirm your action by typing β€œyes” in the appearing window.

  3. Your asset appears on the new position.

Delete an asset


You can only delete assets on the lowest level of your organization tree. To delete higher level assets you need to delete the lower assets first.

  • You are the organization owner or an admin.

  1. In the side bar, select the image-20241127-102437.png Options menu next to the asset you want to delete.

  2. Select image-20241205-145836.png Delete and confirm your actions in the appearing window.

  3. Your asset is now permanently deleted from your organization.

Further actions
  • You can now delete assets on the next higher level of your organizational structure in the same manner.

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