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There is a dedicated tab for tasks at the asset level. Tasks are any job that needs to be carried out for asset management, such as finalizing budgets with stakeholders, evaluating O&M suppliers, organizing maintenance schedules, and preparing tax documents. In the asset manager role, you can assign work and set deadlines for yourself and team members. You can classify tasks by status and priority, and add tags and attachments. The task creator and assignee can edit existing tasks anytime by selecting the Settings icon next to the task.


Task overview

Create a task


  • You have set up your organization and assets


  1. Select an organization level from the side menu and select Tasks.

  2. Select New task.

  3. Enter a descriptive name for the task, select an assignee (organization member who should carry out the task), due date, status, and priority. Add any tags or attachments if desired.

  4. Select Create.

  5. The assignee will receive a notification email, and the task will appear under the Tasks tab for both you and the assignee.


Create a new task

Further actions

Once you have created a task, you can make changes at any time in the Tasks overview. Completed and canceled tasks can no longer be edited.

Hover over a task to:

  • Select the status: To do, In progress, Complete, Cancelled

Select the further actions icon (...) to:

  • Delete a task

  • Edit a task

Set up widgets:

  • To help you work efficiently, tasks are linked to the Task radar and Workload analysis widgets. See Dashboards.

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