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Tasks are any job that needs to be carried out for asset management, such as finalizing budgets with stakeholders, evaluating O&M suppliers, optimizing maintenance schedules, and preparing tax documents.

Overview of the tasks domain

There is a dedicated domain tab for Tasks at every asset level.

  • All tasks are grouped by their status into different tabs: To do, In progress, Done, Cancelled. Select a tab to see only the tasks with the respective status.

  • On higher asset levels all tasks of the respective sub-assets will be consolidated. You can see the respective sub-asset in the column Organizational level.

Overview of the task domain

Overview of the task domain

Create a single task

You can assign work and set deadlines for yourself and other users. You can classify tasks by status and priority, and add tags and attachments.

  • An organizational structure with assets already exists.

  1. Select an organizational level from the side bar and select the domain tab Tasks.

  2. Select +New task.

  3. Enter a descriptive task Title and add a Description if desired.

  4. Select an Assignee (a user in your organization who should carry out the task), a Due date, Status, and Priority. Add any Tags or Attachments if desired.

  5. Select Create.

  6. The assignee will receive a notification email, and the task will appear under the Tasks tab for both you and the assignee.

Create a new task

Create a new task

Further actions
  • Add additional tasks in the same manner if needed.

  • The task creator and assignee can edit existing tasks anytime by selecting the image-20241127-102437.png Options menu and then select image-20241121-103546.png Edit or image-20241121-103614.png Delete.


Tasks with the status done or cancelled can no longer be edited.

Add several tasks via CSV file

  • An organizational structure with assets already exists.

  1. Select an organizational level from the side bar and select the domain tab Tasks.

  2. Select image-20241115-063348.png Upload file and select the CSV file with the tasks you want to import. After the upload, the system scans your file for matching columns: The system matches your data to the system columns with the task attributes automatically. If some of your data could not be matched to a system column, you will have to match the columns from your CSV file manually to the missing system columns:

    • Select the column of your CSV file to match the missing system column. Then select Next.

    • On the next page, a table with all the matching data is displayed. Select Finish when you reviewed the table.

  3. All imported tasks appear in the tasks list with the corresponding assigness:

    • The system matches the assignees in your CSV file with the corresponding users of your organization (via matching mail addresses). The tasks will be assigned to these users automatically.

    • If your file does not contain information about assignees, then you as the file importer will be assigned to all tasks. You can then assign users manually by selecting image-20241219-180301.png Options > image-20241219-180335.png Edit for each task.

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