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Under Devices, you have an overview of the devices and expansion modules connected to your blue'Log. You can add and edit devices here.
Before installing a device, check whether a firmware update is available. See Update.
To communicate with the blue'Log, all connected devices need a driver. meteocontrol offers a blue’Log XM / XC "all-in-one" driver for standardized communication interfaces, which is updated continuously. Information about all supported devices can be found using the Compatibility check.
Devices that deliver several values are only displayed in their main category. For example: an inverter could also have a string monitoring functionality. The main category for this would be "inverter".
Modbus profiles
If you wish to use a Modbus profile to connect devices to the blue'Log that are not available with the all-in-one driver, you can do so using the Modbus configurator (License required). The Modbus profiles you create will only be available on the blue’Log for which the license is purchased. See Modbus configurator.
On the blue’Log user interface, you can view the list of events (= error/state messages, alarms) that can be generated by the individual devices. The contents of the list will vary depending on the specifications of each device.
Go to Devices > Inverters (or other device) > Installed devices > Tick the relevant checkbox(es). Select Download events to download the list.

Download events for a device
During device setup, the manufacturer's name is automatically inserted. We recommend renaming your devices with a concise and distinct label for easy identification. This enhances the clarity of charts and proves particularly useful when managing multiple devices of the same type within your plant. For instance, you can rename an irradiance sensor from a default name to a more specific name:
Default name: Meteocontrol Si-12TC BM: MI-1
More specific name: Irradiance sensor east 1.
See our Naming guideline for more details.
Devices overview

Devices overview
1 | Number of devices | Shows the number of each type of device connected to your blue'Log. |
2 | Interface settings - Delay and timeout | The read, write delay, and timeout can be changed for each interface. This setting affects all drivers configured on the interface. The displayed default times refer to the slowest driver. Read delay is the waiting time between two read commands and influences the polling frequency of measured values. Write delay is the waiting time between two write commands and thus includes the speed at power control. Timeout is the maximum time a device has to respond to a command from the blue'Log. Interface settings can only be changed by meteocontrol Technical Support if you have activated the Support access toggle. See Users. |
3 | Interface monitor | Click on the blue'Log graphic in this window to view all the interfaces that have been configured (highlighted in green). You can view further details by clicking on that section of the graphic. This feature is helpful e.g. for troubleshooting. |