Tickets portlet and ticket details portlet
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Tickets portlet
The tickets portlet provides an overview of tickets at the system or portfolio level. This portlet allows you to:
Close ticket and
Delete ticket
Drag and drop alarms from the Alarms portlet
Actions: Delete or close multiple tickets at once
Download the list as a CSV
Search for tickets in the search bar and activate various filters
Choose which columns are displayed. Additional columns are available
View ticket details in the Ticket details portlet
CMMS ONLY Create a work order. See CMMS.

Tickets portlet
Tickets details portlet
The Ticket details portlet provides a detailed view of a ticket. This portlet has the following tabs:
Alarms: Display any alarms related to the ticket
Yield loss: Calculate losses for this outage in kWh and revenue. See Yield loss calculation.
Files: Upload photos or PDFs
History: View recent actions and relevant people
CMMS ONLY Work orders: Manage work orders. See CMMS.
CMMS ONLY System access control: Manage people currently at your site. See CMMS.