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KPI editor for PR and system availability

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About the KPI Editor

The KPI Editor is an additional VCOM module that allows you to define the PR and system availability with standardized formulas, select the measured values used for the calculations, and tailor the calculation to specific systems and data requirements. It is included for premium partners or purchased as an additional module. Contact Sales for more information.

O&M contracts commonly require a system availability or performance ratio (PR) guarantee. Different companies may use different measured values to calculate this. It is therefore essential for O&Ms and investors to share a common understanding of how these KPIs are calculated. Once defined properly, KPIs enhance communication by providing clear and easily interpretable metrics.

Performance ratio with the KPI Editor

The performance ratio is calculated based on the system yield, installed DC power, and irradiation at the module plane. It indicates how well the PV system can convert solar energy. Typically, an annual PR value of 75-85% is considered good.

The KPI Editor allows you to:

  • Define different input parameters according to your needs

  • Create/edit multiple PRs

  • Delete PRs

  • Mark one PR as the main PR

  • View the main PR in the Performance ratio chart

  • Compare the main PR with other PRs in the Performance ratio comparison chart (example: the PR stipulated in a contract vs. a technical PR)

  • Export your calculation parameters and data as an Excel chart/spreadsheet

You can edit the following PR parameters with the KPI Editor:



Source of energy

Energy must be defined as a term

Irradiance source

One of the following must be available:

  • A sensor defined as a term with the unit W/m² for irradiation at the module plane. See Terms

  • Satellite data

Calculation period

We recommend Irradiance as threshold to exclude irrelevant periods, as this works better on cloudier days.

Excluded ticket causes

You can exclude specific periods under Excluded ticket causes. This way, outages outside your contractual responsibilities will not result in a lower PR value.

Example 1: An inverter was broken from February 21-22 and was not delivering values. A ticket was created for this, and you can now exclude this ticket cause.
Example 2: If a grid downtime on April 2 from 12:00-14:00 was documented in a ticket, you can exclude this ticket cause.

Aggregation model

Choose how to compile your data based on your needs and/or contractual stipulations.

Temperature compensation

The temperature source must be defined as a term with the unit °C for module temperature. See Terms.


Add the annual degradation rate of your modules

Power control

Select the source of power control/curtailment. The available values are based on either:

  • Correction value: set by the system operator

  • Setpoint value: set by the grid operator or energy trader

Once selected, the value will be added as a factor in the calculation.

Performance ratio with the KPI Editor

Performance ratio with the KPI Editor

System availability with the KPI Editor

System availability is the percentage of a system that is available over a period of time. It is an indicator of how quickly faults are identified and remedied.

You can edit the following System availability parameters with the KPI Editor:



Irradiance threshold

Change the threshold after which point system availability is calculated

Calculation method

System level: monitor the energy of the entire system

Inverter level: tracks the power of every inverter. The individual values are then used to create an overall value.

Excluded ticket causes

You can exclude specific periods under Excluded ticket causes. This way, outages outside your contractual responsibilities will not result in a lower PR value.
Example 1: An inverter was broken from February 21-22 and was not delivering values. A ticket was created for this, and you can now exclude this ticket cause.
Example 2: If a grid downtime on April 2 from 12:00-14:00 was documented in a ticket, you can exclude this ticket cause.

Weighting by irradiance

This option gives more weight to periods with higher irradiation levels.

Type of irradiance

Select whether your irradiance data comes from a Sensor or Satellite source.

These settings affect the System availability chart and the Inverter availability chart.

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