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Frequency control modes (with HEMS)

About frequency dependent control

All countries have a standard grid frequency, e.g. 50 Hz in Europe, and it is essential to maintain the frequency to prevent blackouts and damage. The grid code of each country requires energy-producing systems to apply frequency dependent control, which adjusts the system frequency during inadmissible changes. Depending on the requirements, this can be carried out by the inverters or a plant controller such as the blue’Log.

The blue’Log interface allows you to regulate the active power output in three different modes:

Limited frequency sensitive mode - underfrequency (LFSM-U)

Underfrequency occurs when the frequency of the electrical grid falls below the nominal operating frequency. To correct this, the active power output of the system is increased according to a characteristic curve P (f) until the grid frequency returns to the permissible range. 

When setting LFSM-U on the blue’Log, consider the following:

Limited frequency sensitive mode - overfrequency (LFSM-O)

Overfrequency occurs when the frequency of the electrical grid exceeds the nominal operating frequency. To correct this, the active power output of the system is limited according to a characteristic curve P (f) until the system frequency returns to the permissible range.

When setting LFSM-O on the blue’Log, consider the following:

Frequency sensitive mode (FSM)

Compared to the LFSM-O and LFSM-U modes, FSM mode is active during smaller frequency deviations.

In this mode, the active power is also adjusted according to a defined P(f) curve to provide the ancillary service frequency containment reserves (FCR, also known as primary control reserves). LFSM-O and LFSM-U have priority over FSM. Frequency sensitive mode (FSM) is relevant if:

  • Your system participates in the electricity balancing market and is required to provide frequency containment reserves

When setting FSM on the blue’Log, consider the following:

Activate frequency-dependent control


  • Only the user group Service can make changes. See Users

  • Your meter/power analyzer is compatible with blue'Log. See Compatability check

  • Your meter/power analyzer fulfills the measurement requirements for frequency dependent control
    Example: Your grid code requires the frequency to be measured with a certain accuracy

  • Frequency-dependent control is only available for the operation mode Setpoint command. See Active power (with HEMS)

  • For configuration assistance, we recommend our project-specific controller tuning services.


  1. Go to Power control > Active power > Active power management > Select Setpoint command.

  2. Go to Options and activate the Frequency dependent control toggle.

  3. Activate the toggle for the desired control mode and select the Gear icon to configure the parameters.

Set a simulated test frequency via Modbus Power Control

Many markets require verification of the settings, for example during the commissioning process.

To test your frequency dependent control settings, activate the Set a simulated test frequency via Modbus Power Control toggle. The Modbus Power Control license is required for this.

For more on verification and compliance, see Grid code compliance engineering services.

Set a ramp rate limiter (after frequency restoration)

If the frequency event ends and the frequency is restored, a ramp rate limiter can be applied for the transition to normal operation.

Example: power was reduced to 500 kW during the frequency event, but the plant can deliver 800 kW after the frequency event ends, and no power limitations are present. In this scenario, if the ramp rate limiter is activated after frequency restoration, the power does not immediately return to maximum power (800 kW) but has a configurable rate of change.

This function applies only after LFSM-U and LFSM-O events and cannot be set if FSM is activated.

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