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Prioritization between different control modes (without HEMS)

The blue'Log XC can receive control commands from different sources (e.g. grid operator and energy trader) but can also locally generate its own setpoints in case of frequency events where the functions LFSM-U, LFSM-O, or FSM are active. The priority in this context and in case of temporary overlap is described below.

Prioritization between grid operator and energy trader

  • The grid operator can send setpoints via the following blue'Log interfaces: Modbus power control, digital input, or analog input.

  • The energy trader can use the Remote Power Control interface to send setpoints.

  • If the setpoints of the grid operator and energy trader overlap, the lower value always has priority.

Prioritization_grid op_energy trader_en.PNG

Prioritization between grid operator and energy trader

Prioritization between grid operator, energy trader, and frequency control

If the frequency control functions (LFSM-O, LFSM-U, or FSM) are activated and an overfrequency or underfrequency event occurs, the blue'Log calculates its own setpoint to contribute to frequency stability. In such events, the setpoint from the energy trader is entirely ignored by the blue'Log.

You can configure the prioritization between the grid operator setpoint and the frequency control setpoint via the user interface. For each of the frequency control modes (LFSM-U, LFSM-O, FSM), you can activate an additional function called Prioritising grid operator setpoint. Only one frequency control function can run at a time. LFSM-U and LFSM-O have priority over FSM.

Prioritize grid operator setpoint

Prioritize grid operator setpoint

Frequency control: grid operator prioritized

If the grid operator setpoint function is prioritized, the lower value between grid operator setpoint and the frequency control setpoint applies.

Prioritization_grid op_prio_en.PNG

Grid operator prioritized

Frequency control: grid operator not prioritized

If the grid operator setpoint is not prioritized, the setpoint of the grid operator is always ignored and only the frequency control setpoint applies.

Prioritization_grid op_not prio_en.PNG

Grid operator not prioritized

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