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Power control (without Hybrid EMS)

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The power control overview displays the values for active power, reactive power, and measured values at the grid connection point (= point of common coupling). A blue'Log XC is required to carry out power control functions.

Power control overview (without HEMS).png

Power control overview

Power control: basic approach

If you want to operate your blue'Log for power control purposes, the following is one possible setup workflow. If you do not carry out the steps in this order, power control may not function properly. 

  1. Configure operating data. See Operating data (without Hybrid EMS).

  2. Plan your master-slave setup. See Operating data (without Hybrid EMS).

  3. Configure active power and reactive power (if applicable). See Active power (without Hybrid EMS) and Reactive power (without Hybrid EMS).

  4. Activate power control. See Active power (without Hybrid EMS) and Reactive power (without Hybrid EMS).

  5. Create a report. See Report (without Hybrid EMS)

  6. Confirm that power control is working properly on the power control overview page.

Power control topics

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