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User-defined comparison alarms

User-defined comparison alarms allow you to dynamically compare two or more data points. If there is a deviation, an alarm will be triggered. Like the user-defined static alarms, you choose which devices and measured values are monitored.


If you have five irradiance sensors and want to check whether one of them is defective, you can compare the sensors to each other.

Follow these steps to set up user-defined alarms:


  • At least one device is connected to your system.


  1. On the sidebar at the system level, hover over the system for which you want to set up an alarm.

  2. Select the Wrench icon. This takes you to the system configuration. 

  3. Select the Monitoring tab and select User-defined alarms in the sidebar.

  4. Select Static alarm if you want to monitor a single data point or Comparison alarm to dynamically compare two or more data points.


The settings you select will depend on the values you wish to monitor.

User defined comparison alarms GIF_en.gif

User-defined comparison alarms: sample workflow 1

User defined comparison alarms workflow.png

User-defined comparison alarms: sample workflow 2

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