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Smart alarms FAQs

I manage many systems simultaneously. How can I be alerted to the essential alarms?

  • To monitor large portfolios with smart alarms, use the Alarms portlet and filter it to your needs. The filters you set will remain active until you change them.

  • Once you gain an overview via the Alarms portlet, you can dive deeper into the details by accessing the specific data of the affected system.

What does the Incidents portlet do?

  • The Incidents portlet is a transparency tool that displays every incident VCOM detects – independent of delay settings. Clicking on an alarm will automatically filter the portlet so only alarm-relevant incidents are visible.

At what levels can I set up alarms?

  • You set up alarms for all levels at once.

Do smart alarms work without an irradiance sensor?

  • By definition, the Sensor alarm will not work unless a sensor is installed.

  • If there is no irradiance sensor on-site, or if no irradiance sensor data is available, VCOM will use the inverter comparison method.

Can I configure communication loss alarms at both the data logger and inverter levels?

  • The data outage alarm covers the communication loss at the device level (for example, inverter or sensor).

Can I mute alarms for a certain period of time?

  • Example: An inverter has an issue that will be taken care of in 2 months, and I want to mute the alarms assigned to that inverter during this period.

  • This feature is coming soon!

  • Note: The Autopilot feature is not for muting: it is intended to ensure resolved alarms "disappear" automatically.

Can I transfer email notifications to other systems using the Transfer settings feature?

  • Example: I want to transfer the same contacts to the notifications of a different system.

This is currently not possible.

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