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In the organization settings you can view all active and pending users of your organization, manage their user groups, and invite new users.

Manage existing users

  • You are the organization owner or an admin.

  • Navigate to the image-20250108-104140.png organization level and select image-20241120-103438.png Settings > Users.

You can manage existing users in the users domain

You can manage existing users in the users domain.

  • View active and pending users: Switch between the tabs Active and Pending to see users that did already accept the invitation to your organization and those who did not.

  • Assign a new user group: For the respective user in the list, select a User group from the dropdown menu. See also User groups and permissions.

  • Delete a user: For the respective user in the list, select image-20241120-145644.png Delete to permanently delete a user from your organization.

Invite new users

You can invite people to join your organization. For example, these people can be customers or part of your team.

  • You are the organization owner or an admin.

  1. Navigate to the image-20250108-104140.png organization level and select image-20241120-103438.png Settings > Users.

  2. Select New user.

  3. Enter the Email address of the person you wish to invite. You can also invite multiple users at a time. Use commas to separate multiple email addresses.

  4. When you entered at least one valid email address, the option to assign the users to a certain User group and role will appear. Select a user group for each of the users.


Selecting a user group is mandatory. You can not send invites without assigning one.

  1. Select Invite.

  2. The user(s) will receive an email with the invitation to join your organization. The invitation will be considered "pending" in mc Assetpilot until the new user accepts the invitation.


After entering the email addresses, you can assign the user groups.

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