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User groups

An owner can assign users to predefined user groups. The user groups Owner and Asset manager are available. 

User groups_en.png

User groups

Organization owner

  • As an organization owner, you can invite people to join any level of your organization and assign them to specific assets. For example, these people can be customers or part of your team.

  • When you send an invitation, it will be considered "pending" until the new user accepts the invitation.

  • Current users must accept the invitation. New users need to register before accepting the invitation

  • You must first invite users to the organization level, and you can then view them at other levels. 

  • Users can only see the information at the level to which they have been assigned. 

  • Once you are a user of an organization, you can view all users on the organization/asset dashboard. 

Invite users to join an organization


  • You are the organization owner.

  • You have created set up your organization


  1. Navigate to the organization level.

  2. Under Users, select Invite users.

  3. Enter the email address of the person you wish to invite and select Send invitation. You can also invite multiple members at a time. 


Invite users

Asset manager

  • If you are already a registered user with a login, you can view the rest of your assets while your invitation is pending. For example, you already use the platform to monitor five assets, but the owner (for example your manager) adds you to an additional asset. Once you have accepted an invitation, your view will be updated to include the new asset.

  • Once you are a user in an organization, you can view all users on the organization/asset dashboard. 

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