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Satellite data chart

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Basic info


The satellite data chart allows you to compare satellite data with data from your irradiance sensors to detect defects or irregularities. This chart displays the following data:

  • Satellite-based irradiance: Converted from horizontal irradiance to module level (plane of array) according to the subsystem settings, such as inclination, orientation, and power to ensure maximum accuracy. Hourly values are provided once daily. This is usually around 1 AM the following day, depending on your system's time zone.

  • Irradiance: Data from on-site irradiance sensors (term G_M0)

  • Substitute irradiance: New value based on sensor and irradiance data. If a sensor fails, satellite data automatically fills in the gaps.


  • Service level premium

  • The term G_M0 (Irradiance on module plane) must be created in the term editor under Calculations > Terms.


Satellite data chart_ sensor data available

Satellite data chart: sensor data available

Satellite data chart_ the highlighted area shows where no sensor data is available

Satellite data chart: the highlighted area shows where no sensor data is available


Satellite data chart: no sensor data available

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