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Heatmap inverter strings chart

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Heatmap inverter strings Arrows show strings for which no strings are measured or available

Heatmap inverter strings: Arrows show strings for which no strings are measured or available

Basic info


The chart allows you to visualize string and MPPT values for string inverters at the string level. Shows the relative power of each activated string of the inverters over a defined period. Bright yellow areas represent the daily maximum. This may vary over the course of the day. Areas shown in dark red correspond to strings for which no values are measured or available.


  • For systems with string inverter inputs, the chart will automatically appear under Evaluations > Inverter inputs > Heatmap inverter strings.

Further details

  • Up to 15 inverters are selected by default. You can change the selection manually.

  • Only activated strings are displayed in the chart.

  • You can activate and deactivate individual strings in Data sources.

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