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Fronius Datamanager 2.0

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Set up a Fronius Datamanager 2.0

General tips

  • Have the data source (data logger, etc.) serial number on hand. When entering the serial number, pay attention to uppercase and lowercase letters and empty spaces.

  • The data source name can be freely selected. For recommendations, see our Naming guideline.

  • Set the same measuring interval for all data sources in the system to ensure charts are accurately displayed in VCOM. This is used to normalize uneven timestamps and aggregate smaller recorded intervals into larger ones.

  • To ensure that the data source measuring interval has been set correctly in VCOM, open an imported file in the Data logger overview portlet in VCOM and check the timestamps.

  • If possible, perform a connection test once you have completed the configuration in both VCOM and the data source.

Configuration details


FTP push

HTTP Post (recommended)

File format


Measuring interval

Variable: 300 sec/5 min recommended


FTP push:

HTTP Post:

Configuration: Data logger
  • Copy the access data specified in the data logger configuration and store it in Fronius Datamanager 2.0 (server, user name, password)

  • The data file name must end with .JSON.

Configure Fronius Datamanager 2_0 to transmit inverter data to VCOM

Configure Fronius Datamanager 2.0 to transmit inverter data to VCOM

Configuration: VCOM
Configure a Fronius Datamanager 2_0 in VCOM

Configure Fronius Datamanager 2.0 in VCOM

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