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WEB'log - Scan for inverters


This product has been discontinued and is no longer maintained.

WEB'log series

WEB’log series

To search for inverters, please proceed as follows (WEB'log web interface):

  1. Determine the manufacturer of the inverters to be scanned, or the type of inverter.

  2. Use this link to check if the WEB'log supports the inverter manufacturer or type.

  3. Check whether the correct driver is available on the data logger.

    Under Admin-Support -> Application Manager -> "Loadable Application Images" area you can see the manufacturer:

Loadable Application Images.png

Loadable Application Images

  1. Determine which protocol the inverters use to communicate (RTU or TCP).

  2. Check or set the communication settings including the address on the inverter.

  3. Establish the bus cabling between the inverter and data logger (RS485 or Ethernet).

  4. Scan for the inverter:

    • Proprietary protocol (under Admin measurement -> Inverter)

    • TCP (under Admin measurement -> Inverter)

    • Modbus Protocol

      • Select the WR type under Admin measurement -> Modbus devices -> General configuration -> Area "Available device types".

      • Enter and scan the address range under Admin measurement -> Modbus devices -> Device configuration under "Scan for serial devices".

        Then assign the types to the address.

  5. Under Online values -> Inverter details you can now check the values of the inverter.

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