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WEB'log - Check communication


This product has been discontinued and is no longer maintained.

WEB'log series

WEB’log series

If the data transfer to the VCOM portal no longer works, please check the following points:

  1. First, determine how the data logger transmits its data (DSL / cellular, possibly still analog or ISDN).

  2. Check the correctness of the settings in the following menu items on the web interface of the WEB'log under Admin Monitoring -> Network:

    • Settings (DSL/Mobilfunk)

    • Internet (Analog/ISDN)

    • Mailbox (Mailbox -> aktiv)

  3. Check the cabling of the communication path (Ethernet, antenna, or PSTN cabling)

  4. If the previous points have been checked, you can start a communication test under Admin Monitoring -> Network -> Mailbox (below).

    When all 5 communication phases have turned green, the data transfer works:

Testing the communication

Testing the communication

  1. If the data is to be transmitted via DSL / mobile radio, the network configuration of the WEB'log must also be stored in the VCOM portal.
    VCOM -> System configuration -> WEB'log -> System data

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