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WEB'log - Check CF memory card


This product has been discontinued and is no longer maintained.

WEB'log series

WEB’log series

To check the CF card, please carry out the following steps:

  1.  Enter the IP address of the data logger to call up the web interface and enter your access data. (Default username: "admin", default password: "ist02")

  2. Select General > Login to display the advanced options (default password: "ist02")

  3. Select Admin Support → Expert Commands

  4. Enter "CHKDSK" in the command line and click Submit.

  5. In the result, look for the "bad sectors" section.

    • If the line shows "0", the CF card is not damaged and the test is now complete.

    • If a number other than "0" is shown here, there are bad sectors on the CF card and CHKDSK tries to repair the card automatically. This process can take some time. Then execute the "CHKDSK" command again (as described under point 4). If there are still bad sectors after the rerun, the card is irreparably damaged and must be replaced.

You can order a new CF card through our sales team.

If you want to obtain the card yourself, please be sure to observe the following information:

Which CF cards can be used in the Web'log?

CF memory cards up to max. 512 MB can be used.

Make sure that the CF card meets industry standards.

Is there a specific manufacturer that is recommended?

  • Xmore Industrial 

  • WD SiliconDrive






Compact flash cards from Transcend do not work in the WEB'log due to imcompatibility.



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