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You can sync one blue'Log with a single VCOM system. The following graphic provides an overview of the functions under Plant > VCOM.

Note: in VCOM and blue'Log, the terms plant and system have the same meaning.

Overview VCOM connection (part1).png
Overview VCOM connection (part2).png

Overview VCOM connection





Plant name

Your VCOM system's name is automatically retrieved upon connection and can only be changed within VCOM.


Plant key

Enter the 5-digit VCOM system ID. In VCOM, this is located under the System administration > System > Technical data > System ID

VCOM system ID


Cancel registration

Disconnect your blue'Log from VCOM.

Example: You want to switch VCOM systems, or your blue'Log is defective and must be replaced.

Note that if your blue'Log is currently offline, it will automatically disconnect from VCOM once it is back online. 


Check connection

Verify VCOM accessibility


Transmission interval

Choose data transmission frequency: 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour, or disable transmission.


Historical data

If data is missing in VCOM, specify the relevant dates here.

Example: You install a blue'Log in your system, activate VCOM 6 months later, and want to retrieve the data from the past 6 months. 


Initiate resend

Retrieve historical data after setting the desired dates


Remote device access

You can access the user interface of some devices with their own web-based user interface via the blue'Log. See Connect to a remote device in VCOM.

Connect a blue'Log to a VCOM system


  • At least one system is set up in your VCOM account


  1. Go to Plant > VCOM > Registration and enter your VCOM system ID (=Plant key), your VCOM user name, and password. 

  2. Select Register. Once you have registered, the system name will be retrieved from VCOM and will appear under Plant name.

  3. Select a transmission interval and select Save.

  4. Your blue'Log should now be connected with VCOM. To verify this, select Check connection. A green check mark will appear if the connection exists.

Connect a blue'Log to a VCOM System.png

Connect a blue’Log to a VCOM system

Connect to a remote device in VCOM


  • This feature is only available for selected devices. Check the Compatibility list to confirm whether the device is compatible and that the "remote device access" feature is available:


  1. Set up the device under Devices. See Devices.

  2. The device IP address will appear in blue under Installed devices

  3. Activate the Remote device access toggle under Plant > VCOM > Extended access. The toggle will only appear if you have set up a device for which this feature is available.

Excerpt from the compatibility list showing a device with the “remote device access” feature

VCOM remote devices(part1).png
VCOM remote devices(part2).png

Connect a remote device in VCOM

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