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SCADA interface

The SCADA interface is a solution for on-site system monitoring based on an open Modbus TCP interface. It allows external systems, such as SCADA or building management, easy access to live measurement data from devices connected to the blue’Log. Regardless of the communication protocol used by the connected device, the data can be requested through the Modbus protocol and register structure.

The SCADA interface can be used as a standalone solution or in conjunction with VCOM. The SCADA Interface license activates this function on the data logger. See also:

The following provides an overview of the user interface functions:

SCADA interface overview.png





Use SCADA interface

  • Activate or deactivate a SCADA interface. The first time the SCADA interface is activated, the SCADA addresses (slave IDs) will be automatically assigned

  • The SCADA addresses are not reassigned if the SCADA interface is deactivated and then reactivated

  • If the SCADA interface is activated, newly added devices are not automatically assigned to a SCADA address. To assign a SCADA address for all devices, select Reset SCADA address. To edit one specific device, select the device and select Edit SCADA address.


Interface information

Shows the IP of the data logger and port for devices and tracker.



Grayed-out checkboxes indicate system devices with fixed addresses that cannot be changed in this area.



Grayed out unless a tracker is installed under Tracker

5 / 6 / 7

SCADA address options

  • Reset SCADA address: reassigns the SCADA addresses for the existing devices

  • Edit SCADA address: manually change the address of an existing SCADA interface

  • Delete selected: delete selected devices

You can view a comprehensive list of error and state alarms triggered by the devices under Devices > Inverters (or select another device) > Installed devices > Tick the relevant checkbox(es) > Download events. The contents of this list vary depending on the specifications of each device and can be used to understand the “Error registers” and “State registers” as described under “General values” in the SCADA interface Mobus register data sheet.

Download events for a device.png

Download events for a device

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