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Plant data (with HEMS)

Under Power control > Plant data, you can select whether you want to control a PV plant, a battery plant, or both. This overview is divided into several areas, which are explained in more detail below:

Plant data.png

Plant data

General data

Configure the relevant electrical characteristics of your plant under Plant data > General data.

General data.png

General data





Type of plant

This is an important toggle as it determines which type of plants are controlled. Set the toggle for PV, battery, or both. Different fields will then become visible depending on the toggle(s) you select.

Depending on the selected toggle also the range of functions varies:

  • both activated: all major functions are available (Setpoint command, PV-self consumption, band shaving, SOC limitation. See Active power: Description of functions.

  • Battery activated: only setpoint command, band shaving and SOC limitation are available

  • PV activated: only the operating mode setpoint command is available

Select the plant type first to ensure that your subsequent power control configurations will work properly. For example, the active power mode PV self-consumption will only work if both PV and Battery are activated.



You can set the following parameters. Select a parameter to view more details:

Agreed connected active power Pav

Connected active power of the power generating system agreed upon by the grid operator and subscriber. Amount of power you are allowed to feed into the grid as agreed with the grid operator. For example, you may have 9000 kW of installed power, but you are only allowed to feed in 1000 kW (agreed active power).

Agreed supply voltage Vc

Usually, the grid supply voltage is equal to the nominal system voltage, Vn

If the grid operator and subscriber agree on a voltage at the point of common coupling (PCC) that is at variance with the nominal system voltage, this voltage is the agreed power supply, Vc

Agreed connected apparent power Sav

The apparent power of the power generating system, which is calculated as the quotient of agreed connected active power Pav and the lowest power factor cos φ agreed upon by the grid operator and subscriber.

Nominal system frequency Fn

Nominal value of the grid frequency.

Total installed active power Pinst

The sum of the nominal power of every power generating unit within the power generating system.

Total maximum apparent power Smax

Sum of the maximum AC apparent power of all power generating units within the power generating system

PV plant

You can configure your PV plant's electrical data and characteristics here:

PV plant.png

Plant data





Maximum apparent power Smax,PV

Sum of the maximum AC apparent power of all the power generating units within the PV plant.


Number of active inverters toggle

All PV inverters connected to a blue'Log which exceed a configured threshold of a delivered measured value.

For master-slave setups, this includes all inverters connected to slave blue'Logs.


Selection of measurement value of the inverter

Select a relevant measured value, either AC power in kW or current in A. Note: not all inverters provide current AC as a measured value.


Configuration of the threshold

Define the minimum value in kW.

Advanced plant data

Under Advanced plant data, you can configure an irradiance and/or temperature sensor whose data points can be accessed via Modbus.


Advanced plant data.png

Advanced plant data

Advanced_plant_data_ambient_temperature sensor.png





Select sensor for output of global irradiation 

Connect a sensor for a master or a slave. The number of sensors varies depending on the operating mode of the controller (standalone, master, slave).


Gear icon

Open a window with additional settings for the irradiation sensor.


Selection of measurement value

If a device has several irradiance sensors, select the measured value to be forwarded via Modbus, e.g. irradiance W/m2


Advanced settings toggle

Modbus assumes that irradiance sensors are mounted horizontally. However, your sensor may be mounted directly on a PV module and at an incline. You can correct the value for Modbus output here.

Toggle activated: Enter the inclination at which the sensor is mounted in degrees

Toggle deactivated: No adjustment is necessary


Modbus power control

Displays transmission parameters from the Modbus Power Control interface. See Modbus Power Control license.


Remote power control

Displays transmission parameters from the Remote Power Control interface. See Remote Power Control license.


Select sensor for output of ambient temperature

Connect a sensor for a master or slave. The number of sensors will vary depending on the operating mode of the controller (standalone, master, slave).


Gear icon

Open a window with additional settings for the temperature sensor.


Selection of measurement value

If a device has multiple temperature sensors, select the measured value to be forwarded via Modbus, e.g. temperature

Battery plant

You can configure your battery plant's electrical data and characteristics here.

Battery plant.png

Battery plant





Maximum apparent power Smax,bat

Sum of the maximum AC apparent power of all power generating units within the battery plant


Maximum charge power Pmax,charge

Sum of the maximum charge active power of all power generating units within the battery plant


Maximum discharge power Pmax,discharge

Sum of the maximum discharge active power of all power generating units within the battery plant


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