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Portal concept and structure

Structure: Footer

Configure basic display options and access help in the footer.

Footer structure

Footer structure





Automatic refresh

New data is checked every 5 minutes, or select the icon to reload immediately. You can also turn off automatic updates



Activate cycling mode to switch from one system to the next at an interval of your choosing


Last updated

Last time the view was updated



Includes the mc Help Center, keyboard shortcuts, release notes, API documentation, and system messages.

The blue dot indicates a new release


Light/dark mode

View the portal in either light or dark mode



Choose from 10 languages


User name

Edit your profile or log out here.

Structure: Portfolio level

The portfolio level in VCOM is called the Control room. It gives you an overview of all your systems in VCOM. Administrative settings that affect the entire portfolio, such as user management, are made at this level under Portfolio administration

Portfolio (Control room) overview

Portfolio (Control room) overview






Access the control room/portfolio level


System list

List of systems in your portfolio

Alarm icon: Color indicates whether any alarms are active/critical

Communication icon: Color indicates whether system and device communication ok/not ok


Portfolio-level actions

  • Analysis: Create your own charts for all systems. Analyses can be placed on your dashboards using the Analysis portlet. You can also use the charts in your reports

  • Calendar: Keep track of one-time or regular appointments for your systems

  • Reports: Generate portfolio, CSV, and CMMS reports

Structure: System level

The system level in VCOM is called the Cockpit. This is the individual view of each system (=plant) in VCOM. Settings that affect an individual system, such as system-specific users, alarms, and feed-in revenue are made at this level. You can add and rearrange portlets at the system level as well.

To access system information, hover over its name and select the relevant icon:

  • Arrow: System overview

  • Chart: System evaluations

  • Wrench: System configuration


System (Cockpit) overview

System (Cockpit) overview





System name

User-defined name of the system


Home icon

Return to portfolio level


System-level actions

Settings that affect the individual system:

  • Analysis

  • Calendar

  • Reports for the system

  • System configuration



These tabs are provided by default


Portlet center

Manage portlets for this system


Other systems

View and navigate to other systems in your portfolio

Configure your control room and cockpits

VCOM allows you to customize the view of your portfolios and systems with the information that is most relevant to you. VCOM is pre-configured with portlets and tabs, which you can modify to suit your needs.

  • Portlets are small, re-sizable windows that give you a quick overview of the status of specific data, such as alarms, tickets, analysis graphics, battery charge, webcam, and upcoming events. You can add portlets at both the portfolio and system level. See also Portlets.

    • Dynamic portlets such as Webcam are updated when you select a different system.

    • Static portlets such as Tickets display the same information or graphics regardless of the system

  • Tabs allow you to group portlets into separate folders at the portfolio level. For example, you might want to group all of the portlets relating to monitoring, alarms, or power control.

Add and configure portlets


  • None


  1. At the portfolio or system level, select the Plus icon on the top bar and select Portlet center.

  2. For the desired portlet, select Add portlet > Close

  3. Certain portlets can also be configured by selecting the Wrench icon in the upper right of the portlet. Here, you can choose which information columns you want to display.  

  4. To resize a portlet, hover over a border with your mouse and adjust accordingly.

  5. You can also rearrange portlets by dragging and dropping them to your preferred location within the browser window.

  6. To reset the portlet configuration to the default settings, select the Plus icon > Reset portlets.

Add portlets

Add portlets

Portlet center

Portlet center

Create tabs in the control room


  • You can only add tabs at the portfolio level.


  1. At the portfolio level, select the Plus icon on the top bar > Manage tabs.

    Manage tabs

    Manage tabs

  2. Next to the Folder name (=tab name) field, select Create.

    Create a tab

    Create a tab

  3. Name the tab.

  4. To create a subfolder under a tab, select the desired tab from the dropdown menu next to Page name, then select Create.

  5. Select Save to display the new tab. 

  6. To add portlets to the new tab, select the the Plus icon.

  7. Example: Add a tab for CMMS with the subfolder Work orders.

Example - 'CMMS' tab with the subfolder 'Work orders'

Example: “CMMS” tab with the subfolder “Work orders”

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