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Password guideline

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Follow this password guideline to decrease the risk of cyber attacks.


(tick) Change your initial password immediately to ensure only authorized users can access the data.

(tick) Use reliable password management software for managing passwords (NOT an Excel list)

(tick) Use strong, unique passwords for all user accounts and update them regularly. For example, use a password generator, which is usually included in password management software

(tick) Train your employees to use secure passwords and protect against phishing attacks.

(tick) Change passwords frequently


❌ Reuse passwords

❌ Use passwords that appear in dictionaries

❌ Use common variants, repetition, and keyboard patterns (e.g. “123456”, “qwertz”)

❌ Forget password expiration dates

❌ Use names of family members, pets, friends, companies, or products.

❌ Use dates of birth

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