Operate a blue'Log XM as a WEB'log slave (without Hybrid EMS)
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If you have a WEB'log as a master for power control, you do not need to use another WEB'log as a slave. You can configure a blue'Log XM as a slave and activate existing WEB’Log features:
blue’Log XM devices can receive setpoints from a WEB’log Master
The Slave group, Inverter sum, and Behaviour in the event of error can be configured
Configure a blue'Log XM as a WEB'log slave
blue’Log XM
Firmware ≥ 15.1.8
WEB'Log slave mode blue'Log XM license. See WEB'log slave mode data sheet.
Go to Power Control > Operating data > Select Slave.
The Extended Slave configuration will appear. Activate the WEB’Log Slave toggle.
Additional configuration options will appear.
Operate a blue'Log XM as a WEB'log slave
Activate the toggle to set a Slave group: The Group ID is visible on the WEB’Log user interface.
Slave group on WEB’Log
Select the Inverter sum toggle to transmit the total power of all inverters connected to the slave to the WEB'log master.
Behaviour in the event of error: Configure the active and reactive power setpoints to be used if communication to the WEB’Log master is interrupted.
If you are replacing an old WEB’log slave, enter the same settings.
If you do not know the settings, but there are other Slaves at your plant, use the settings from another slave. Normally, all slaves will use the same configurations.
Select Save.