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Migrate a WEB'log to a blue'Log

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For a smooth transition from a WEB'log to a blue'Log data logger, please review the information below. If you need assistance with migration or preserving historical data, contact our Support team.

Before replacing the hardware

Ensure all inverters connected to the WEB'log are compatible with blue’Log

  • Determine the type and number of existing inverters.

  • Read out the corresponding communication paths (Modbus TCP or RTU):

    • If you use VCOM: check in VCOM under image-20241107-141057.png System configuration > Data sources > Inverter. In the table that appears, check the whether the connection is TCP or bus in the Interface column.

    • Otherwise, check the WEB'log web interface

  • Use the blue'Log compatibility check to ensure that your inverters and their corresponding communication channels are compatible.

S0 meters

  • If you used S0 meters on the WEB'log for active power control, please note that this is no longer possible due to the sluggishness of S0 meters. Contact our sales team for alternatives.

WEB'log I/O modules

  • To keep your WEB’log I/O modules, at least 1 WEB'log must remain in the system (max. 8 I/O modules per WEB'log).

  • If there are more than 8 WEB’log I/O modules, 2 or more WEB’logs must remain in the system.

  • To remove WEB'log I/O modules, all modules must be replaced with blue'Logs.

After replacing the hardware

If you monitor the system with VCOM Cloud, ensure that the designation of all devices on the WEB'log and blue'Log are IDENTICAL so that the devices can then be correctly assigned in VCOM. For assistance, contact our Support team.


Do not delete old devices, inverters, or data loggers until the migration is completed!

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