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application programming interface


A software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other

dead band

A predefined range of acceptable variation in voltage or frequency within which a solar inverter or grid connection device does not immediately intervene or make adjustments. This tolerance range helps maintain grid stability by preventing frequent and unnecessary control actions in response to minor fluctuations, thereby supporting the reliable integration of solar power into the electrical grid.

dynamic host configuration protocol


Client/server protocol that automatically provides an Internet Protocol (IP) host with its IP address and other related configuration





fail-safe operation

file transfer protocol


Standard network protocol used for the transfer of files from one host to another over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet. FTP works by opening two connections that link the computers trying to communicate with each other.


Generator, usually a Diesel generator, that has the function of creating or assisting a grid.

hybrid inverter

A solar and battery inverter in one device.





lightweight directory access protocol


Protocol that helps users find data about organizations, persons, and more. Stores data in the LDAP directory and authenticates users to access the directory. Used by customers with many devices so that they can centrally manage data such as user name.

MX module

Add-on module for the blue'Log XM/XC that extend the device by two RS485/422 interfaces or by additional digital and analog ports, depending on the module type





power analyzer

Measurement device (meter) used to measure various aspects of electrical power.

programmable logic controller


Device used to control or regulate a machine or system that is programmed on a digital basis. Can act as an interface between blue'Log and the network operator's telecontrol system, i.e. can "translate" the blue'Log into the language of the grid operator.

proxy server

Intermediary server separating end users from the websites they browse. Proxy servers provide varying levels of functionality, security, and privacy depending on your use case, needs, or company policy.

ramp rate

Rate at which the active power output of a solar PV system or a set of solar panels changes over time. The power output of a solar PV system can vary due to factors such as changes in sunlight intensity, cloud cover, and other weather conditions. Rapid changes in power output, either increases or decreases, can have significant impacts on the stability and reliability of the electrical grid. With the blue'Log XC, you can define a ramp rate in order to avoid rapid changes in the active power output.

read delay

Waiting time between two read commands and thus influences the polling frequency of measured values

remote power control


Can be used to remotely reduce the feed-in power of a PV system, such as for solar power trading. This is done in parallel with the grid operator's feed-in management, without influencing its control commands. The controller interprets the control signals, for example from the energy trader, and forwards them to the PV system with priority.

simple certificate enrollment protocol


Open source protocol that is widely used to make digital certificate issuance at large organizations easier, more secure, and scalable.

supervisory control and data acquisition


Supervisory system for technical operation management generally located on-site. At meteocontrol specifically, a SCADA system is a solution that includes both hardware (for example blue'Log, control cabinet) and software (VCOM). Part of large projects. The system has interfaces to data loggers, programmable logic controllers and actuators.

secure sockets layer


Security protocol that creates an encrypted link between a web server and a web browser. An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that authenticates a website's identity and enables an encrypted connection.

string combiner box


Electrical distribution box that combines the output of multiple strings of PV modules for connection to the inverter

system fallback value

Predefined value that the system defaults to in case of an unexpected situation or failure. This value acts as a safety net to ensure that the system continues to operate within safe parameters or to provide a basic level of functionality until the issue can be addressed.






Maximum time a device has to respond to a command from the blue'Log

virtual private network


Encrypted connection over the Internet from a device to a network

write delay

The waiting time between two write commands and thus includes the speed at power control

zero feed-in

Scheme in which electricity produced by renewables can be curtailed rather than being fed into the grid. In some markets (e.g. South Africa, Australia, Great Britain, or Spain), system operators are obligated by the grid operator to equip the PV system with a technical device that either guarantees a pre-defined feed-in below the agreed connected load or ensures that no electricity is fed into the public grid at any time.

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