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Certificates for master/slave communication

From firmware 30.2.7, the blue’Log provides a new option for creating certificates when setting blue´Log to master/slave mode. It is based on the elliptic curves certification method (521-bit encryption), which increases security and allows certificates to be created more quickly.

SECP521R1 is used in various cryptographic protocols and applications for its strong security properties. It is particularly favored for securing communications in environments where high security is required.

Cybersecurity warning

  • Existing blue’Logs use RSA 4096. We recommend updating to the elliptic curves method on your blue’Log

  • The elliptic curves method is applied to all newly commissioned blue’Logs

To change the certification method manually:


  • blue’Log XC using master-slave communication

  • Firmware 30.2.7 or higher for master and slave devices

  • blue’Logs must be in the same network


  1. Navigate to Power control > Controller operation area.

  2. Select the image-20240829-120549.pngExtended settings icon.

  3. A message will appear. Select SECP521R1.

  4. The encryption algorithm will be changed and can be used without rebooting.

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