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Alarm/state configuration

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You can configure alarms to alert you to technical issues with your blue'Log and its connected devices.

  • On the blue’Log user interface, the alarms can be viewed under Cockpit > Alarms/State. See Alarms/state.

  • You can choose to send alarms via email as an additional option.

  • VCOM USERS Activating the toggle for an alarm type (for example: Device alarm), means that blue’Log will automatically transmit these alarms to VCOM.

Activate alarms and notification period

  • Device state alarms: from Firmware 22.0.0 on.

  • Power control alarms: from Firmware 27.07 on. In firmware < 27.0.7, you can find the power control alarms under Device alarm.

  • All other alarms are available with all firmware versions.

  1. Go to Plant > Alarms/state configuration > Alarm/state configuration.

  2. Activate the toggles for the desired alarm types.

  3. Under Active time of notification, select the desired time.

    • The default is 24h.

    • If you select a period between sunrise and sunset, you must include the latitude and longitude of your site along with the desired time offset. Offset example: 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM with an offset of “10“ means that notifications are sent from 6:10 AM - 5:50 PM.

Activate an alarm and configure email notifications

Activate an alarm and configure email notifications

Set up email notifications

  1. Go to Receive alarms additionally via email.

  2. Enter email recipients, separating multiple recipients with a comma.

    • VCOM USERS Alarms are transmitted and visible in the VCOM alarm portlets.

    • If you do not use VCOM: You can choose to receive alarms via email.

  3. Select the language in which you want the alarms to appear. English is the default if the alarms are not available in all languages.

    • VCOM USERS The language in which alarms are sent depends on your language settings in VCOM.

Activate a filter for undesired notifications

The image-20241121-122248.png Filter icon allows you to specify error/event codes to exclude from notifications. This can be useful for example if you do not wish to receive certain notifications, for example a communication failure.


  • Device state alarms: from Firmware 22.0.0 on.

  • Power control alarms: from Firmware 27.07 on. In firmware < 27.0.7, you can find the power control alarms under Device alarm.

  • All other alarms are available with all firmware versions.


  1. Go to Plant > Alarms/state configuration.

  2. Select the image-20241121-122248.png Filter icon next to the alarm type for which you want to activate the filter.

  3. A window will appear. Enter the error or event code for the undesired alarms. You can find the relevant error or event codes under Cockpit > Alarms/state > Error code.

Example of an undesired notification

Example of an undesired notification

Activate a filter for undesired notifications

Activate a filter for undesired notifications

Alarms and state types



Device communication

Activate the toggle to receive notifications about RS485 or TCP/Ethernet communication failures. 

Troubleshooting: Ensure that the device is working, there is a cable connection, and that the device’s communication interface is correctly configured and activated.

Device alarm

Activate the toggle to receive notifications of devices connected to the blue'Log, such as inverters and meters. 

Example (Sunspec alliance compatible inverter):

  • Event code: Inverter-Evt1-1 

  • Notification: DC over-voltage

Device state

Activate the toggle to receive notifications of states of devices connected to the blue'Log, for example inverters and meters. 

Example (Sunspec alliance compatible inverter):

  • Event code: Inverter-St-3

  • Notification: The device is starting up

Power control alarm

Activate the toggle to receive notifications of power control issues. Here is a list of power control alarms:

Power control alarms (select to exapand)
  • Setpoint value cannot be determined as cable breakage was detected

  • Actual value for measured value feedback is missing

  • Automatic grid disconnection tripped

  • Limited frequency sensitive mode - overfrequency (LFSM-O) activated because the actual system frequency is above the configured frequency threshold

  • Limited frequency sensitive mode - overfrequency (LFSM-U) activated because the actual system frequency is under the configured frequency threshold

  • At least one slave has failed to connect to master

  • At least one slave has lost the connection to master

  • Power control not supported

  • Start/Stop not supported

  • Setpoint value for active power control is missing

  • Setpoint value for reactive power control is missing

  • Fail-safe operation was activated, and a system fallback value is used as setpoint until a valid setpoint is received

  • Setpoint value cannot be determined as transmitter fault (overcurrent) was detected.


To configure alarms/state for digital inputs, see Status DI internal and Status DI external.


If a connected device sends excessive alarms or states, the system will automatically disable alarm and/or state notifications. You will receive one of the following notifications:

  • ALARM_DB_FULL: alarm database is full / the device alarming was deactivated

  • STATE_DB_FULL: state database is full / the device alarming was deactivated

  • POWER_CONTROL_ALARM_DB_FULL: database for power control alarms is full

VCOM USERS The Smart alarms feature in VCOM is an efficient means of handling unwanted alarms.

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